Bosnia and Herzegovina is a fascinating place, one nobody is more passionate about than Skender, our local tour guide, who you may remember if you read our blog on Bosnian coffee culture. Skender has witnessed Bosnia’s many twists and turns growing up and he’s determined to showcase all of the natural beauty and melting pot

Coffee is the cornerstone of Bosnian culture and has been since the Ottomans introduced it in the 15th century. But make no mistake, it is not the same as Turkish coffee. Order the latter at a cafe in Sarajevo and you’ll soon be corrected. Tasting Bosnian coffee (Bosanska kahva) is a must-do experience during your

Bosnia’s historic capital is where east and west quite literally meet at a compass inscribed on the pavement in the old town. You’ll find this fusion everywhere – in its architecture, food and language.  Adorned by the pine forested Dinaric Alps encircling it, there’s more to this bustling Balkan city than first meets the eye.